Reducing regrets, hurt and stress in love, life and business!

Ladies with Tradies is more than a coaching business; it's a community of like-minded, driven yet down to earth individuals who understand the challenges of running a trade business. Our focus is on creating an environment where you know we are on your side in business. We believe in focussing your energy into the aspects of your business that you enjoy - because enjoying the journey is essential for long-term success.

"Working with Ladies with Tradies has been so informative and so easy. Our business went from treading water to smashing goals and thriving. Knowing we have a whole team to support us on hand has made running a business so much easier" - Mat & Sheena Linke - Linxcrete Concreting - Meeniyan, Victoria

Challenges are growth opportunities, and we're here to push you to reach the peak of your tradie game. Your well-being, business and family are our top priorities. With a relentless focus on reducing stress and building up your confidence in yourself and therefore your business, we aim to guide you through the delicate balance of love, life, and business.

So, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you've made the right move. Let's embark on this ride together because, with Ladies with Tradies, we're here to help you sidestep the chaos in so you can work the trade and live the life you deserve!

We Care Deeply

At Ladies with Tradies, we genuinely care about you and your business. Your well-being is our priority. Your happiness, mental health, physical health, relationship health, and emotional/spiritual health matter to us. We're here to drive results in all aspects of your life.

We'll be honest; there might be times when you don't like us very much. Our team might push your buttons and challenge you in ways that sting, but it's all for your greater good, driven by our passion and heart.

We don't do "fat and happy." You might be playing it too safe if you're not feeling a little uncomfortable during your coaching program. We'll watch carefully to ensure you're always working toward what you genuinely want from life.

Discomfort is part of the game, but it's all rooted in love. We know our stuff and want you to trust us when we guide you through uncharted territory.

You're here because you're ready to make a change, to level up, and we're here to guide you through that transformation. So, let's embark on this journey together! Strap in for some seriously good times!

We inspire out clients and we are inspired by our clients. We have the platforms for Trades industry innovation. We support success, whatever that means for you. You get to have the confidence to live the life you want to lead. Be inspired by becoming more knowledgeable, by developing yourself personally & professionally. Inspire others by leading & showing the way.
Be brave to face the things you find challenging, the payoff will be worth it. Be vulnerable when you don't know the answers. Be open minded to the possibilities presented to you. Change is inevitable in business - don't hide from it. Learn through taking risks - there are no mistakes, just lessons. You don't need to know it all, but you do need to be responsible for working towards knowing more.
We have your best interests at heart always. We make it safe to be yourselves. You are awesome - trust that. We act with unwavering integrity in order to support you to make the best decisions for yourselves. Authenticity is at the front of our work, how we live and what we do. Trust is needed to embrace the processes and systems that are tried and tested at LWT. Trust that you already have it in you to succeed.

Keep business energised and exciting and have fun doing it in our community. Connect with other businesses and have a willingness to share. Know you are not alone and you can have a laugh and share your successes with others just like you. Know you are connected to the best resources and partnerships in the industry. Connect to self, be authentic - just do you - the rest will follow. you are part of something bigger - lean on the connections and contacts to continue your growth journey.

Refined Design

Accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.

Stellar Support

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Great Marketing

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Meet the team

Kate Muldoon
Founding Director
“Let’s grab a cuppa, cut the crap and get stuck in!”

Kate Muldoon Is the Founder and Head Coach at Ladies with Tradies. A tradie’s wife herself, Kate wanted to help other ladies with her proven strategies for a successful working relationship with their tradies. Kate and the team bring all things 'behind the scenes' to the forefront - without the complex jargon and 'businessy' confusion.

Kate was inspired to create Ladies with Tradies to support other tradie couples after a series of tragedies in her own life. The loss of her tradie brother, the loss of a tradie partner through addiction, and loss of both grandfathers at a young age due to illnesses relates to their ‘tradesmen’ lifestyle. Kate was also a palliative care nurse and intimately witnessed the regrets of the dying. Kate’s mission is to help tradie couples stop shit hitting the fan and reduce regrets and stress in love, life and business.

Kate’s no bullshit approach of good communication and being brutally honest inspires people to believe in and value themselves for the amazing people they are. What you see is what you get with Kate. Her down to earth nature stems from her rural upbringing and she strives to make services such as coaching and business support available to all tradie couples, no matter where they’re based.

When Kate becomes part of your team, she embeds herself into your way of life. She will advocate, promote and understand your business as if it were her own.  You can rely on Kate to deliver for you and your team.

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Josie Postlethwaite
CEO/ Chief Energy Officer
‘You can learn so much from the numbers - to reduce stress and regrets in love, life and business’

Josie Postlethwaite is the Managing Director / Finance Manager for Ladies with Tradies and many of our clients. She is the heart behind the numbers interpretation for couples in trades’ businesses. There is nobody who can unpack, coach and support to implement people with the power of numbers than this little pocket rocket.

Josie brings the sanity and the reassurance to our clients through simple, effective strategies that the Tradies and Ladies love, because they learn how to interpret their numbers, and put into play everything they need to achieve their personal and financial goals.

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Megan Jackson
Operations Manager
Megs is our Operations Manager at LWT, she keeps us running like a fine oiled machine. She is super organised, keeps us looking polished and loves a spreadsheet with a number or two.

Megs comes from a corporate background with over 15 years working with businesses to understand their numbers and help them achieve their goals. She is the most modest leader in the team - and makes a huge impact steering the LWT ship towards better outcomes for both our staff and our clients. She is Kate and Josie's sanity when it comes to making the big decisions - her ability to see all sides is something special.

She is super passionate about making a difference and helping others - so is a great fit for our LWT community. She is also awesome for some fun, trivia, games and all sorts - she keeps things fresh and fun for our team.

Embracing our ‘Working the Trade, Livin the Life’, Megs values the simple but important things in life, our health and wellbeing, spending time with family and being out in nature.  

All paths at LWT lead to Megs - and she get's it all sorted - and we love her for it.

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Chane Vieira
'No man should be a slave to his business, and feel the need to make up for lost time when life catches up with them'

Chane is our dynamic, straight shooting, get shit done coach, based in NZ - I know right - so cool.

She comes from a family of trades entrepreneurs where her dad was a mechanic. She grew up with the highs and lows of a mechanic business... dad always doing his best to provide meaning that her mum played full time mum and dad. Just like many of us can relate to - even weekends her dad's business occupied him - which I am sure breaks his heart even now.

Here's why Chane loves LWT and all we stand for:

No child should wish for more quality time with mum/dad
No married woman should need to play both roles
No man should be a slave to his business, and feel the need to make up for lost time when life catches up with them

Business done right should give families more, not take away live and experiences. My calling and life purpose is empowering business owners from all walks of life live a regret free life in love, life and business"

Chane has an extensive background in marketing and sales, recruitment - and all things business. She has a passion for helping and changing people's lives.

Kate and Chane worked together for some time in the past and this is where they cultivated ideas, grew excited together, and eventually decided to take on the crusade of reducing regrets in the lives of others together.

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Teresa Mullins
What you see is what you get, she isn't afraid to open up and share her experiences giving you true authenticity & vulnerability.

Meet Teresa...

She is a Tradie's Lady and Mother to 3 precious children.

After their first baby was born, Teresa’s husband embarked on his own wall & floor tiling business. Teresa has since been juggling the role as housewife, mother & bookkeeper. After 8 years in business, 3 children & Teresa starting her own business there were areas of their lives that were beginning to crumble. This is when they became clients of LWT. Our programs, education, systems and support were able to help them streamline their business, get on top of their figures and get their business working for them! They now enjoy a balanced family, work & life.

Teresa’s background is a birth coach and pregnancy massage therapist. She is compassionate and nurturing in nature and passionate about supporting families in business as a whole. Teresa understands first hand the struggle of running a business and a family while trying to stay connected to yourself and your own needs. This is one of the many reasons she has followed her dream and stepped into this role, to help support and coach others in reducing guilt and regrets in family, work & life.

What you see is what you get, she isn't afraid to open up and share her experiences giving you true authenticity & vulnerability.

While holding your hand along the way of growth & improvement; Teresa will challenge you, question you and get you thinking in ways like never before, all while keeping you accountable and responsible for your answers. Your journey with Teresa as your coach will be one your family will thank you for and you'll never forget!

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Shani Matheson
Shani is our Brisbane based coach, charged by the sun and surf she will keep you motivated and on track to live your best life!

Shani was brought up in a tradie household, with her Dad and uncles as Chippies and her 2 younger brothers also following in the footsteps of Dad. Shani’s passion to help small family business has come from seeing her own parents struggle to find the balance between work and life. Also the devastating impacts the relentless stress had on her family.

Now as a wife and a mum of 2 young girls herself, she really understands the importance of a well-rounded and balanced life.

Shani has dedicated the last 14 years of her career to improving the lives of Husband-and-Wife duos. She has extensive experience working within trade business and has been part of the lowest lows and the highest highs, so is able to truly understand each and every stage of business. Shani is a results driven being, she lives for structured days and processed ways!

Whilst Shani will dish out some tough love when required, she is incredibly empathetic and values solid bonds and genuine relationships. She will guide you and support you through all things business (and sometimes life if you want it). Shani as your coach will only have you wishing you did it sooner!

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Donna Brown
Business & Coach Support

Donna is our business & coach support extraordinaire, with an extensive background in business finance she understands the value that comes from great systems & having your shit together!

On the flip side, Donna & her Hubby run an exterior property cleaning business & know full well the pressures of couples in business & the effects it has on love, life & business. After completing AMP IT UP as clients, their business completely changed direction & now works for them so they can pursue their personal & professional goals! After all that’s why we go into business right!?

Through her personal & professional journey she has learnt the importance of mindset & having a great community behind you to be the best you & create the life you want! She has yours & your coaches back!  

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Kellie Harrison
Admin Manager

Kellie Harrison is our master of detail, the one that pulls it altogether with our systems!  Assisting with financial data, website, systems, product development and everything in-between, she ensures we keep on track whilst we go searching for the bright shiny things.

Kellie has amazing experience in process development and continuous improvement. Kellie follows through on all aspects leaving no stone unturned.  Previously working with companies to onboard trade staff and innovating process improvement she's an outstanding addition to the LWT team to get shit done to help more of you!  

Kellie comes to us from a farming background, also having a tradie son, brother, and brother in-law, she understands the challenges in the trade!

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Codie Tierney
Administration Assistant
‘I love helping Ladies with Tradies help people like me and my Tradie partner to do more, be more and have more’

Codie is our behind the scenes dynamo who brings all the socials, events and digital operations together. Codie Tierney is a Lady with a Tradie herself. She has been a successful client of Ladies with Tradies and so has been through the programs, used the systems and knows the impact they can make. 

If you want to know anything about Ladies with Tradies and how it came about - she will know! Codie has been with us from the beginning - as a client, and as our superstar admin lady not long after.

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Andrea Roque
Digital Marketing & Admin Assistant

Andrea is our driven Digital Marketing and Admin Assistant. Hailing from the beautiful Philippines, Andrea is passionate about helping businesses succeed, particularly in the trades industry. Her goal is to ensure that tradies can achieve their own personal and professional success.

As a key member of the Ladies With Tradies team, she takes pride in keeping everyone focused on their roles and utilising their unique strengths. With her friendly and professional demeanor, you can count on her to provide the support and guidance you need to achieve your goals.

In addition to her work with the LWT team, she is a curious individual who loves to explore new ideas and perspectives. She’s always looking for ways to innovate and stay on top of the latest trends in the Digital Marketing space.

When she’s not busy helping businesses thrive, she can be found indulging in her other passions, such as reading, exploring nature and dancing. She also enjoys spending time with her husband watching Netflix, eating out, and exploring new places locally and hopefully abroad.

Overall, Andrea is a talented and dedicated professional who brings a unique blend of expertise, creativity, and enthusiasm to everything she does. With her support, you can be confident that your business is in good hands and that you’ll have the resources you need to succeed.

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"It was invaluable to be able to listen to other ladies in similar positions, especially when you are stuck in the office by yourself. Staying above the spirit line, DISC and the tools provided to help organise my Tradie have been very helpful and I hope to be able to implement it all over time"
Sheryl Fisher
Smith and Sons Builders
Our History

We’ve come a long way.

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January, 2019
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July, 2019
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August, 2019
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September, 2019
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Some of our customers

Stop shit hitting the fan in love, life and business