Procrastination-Proof Your Trades Business: Tips for Achieving More

Take the first step today and regain control of your time and productivity.
Procrastination is a common issue that often comes up in client meetings, and I've personally struggled with it too. Today, I want to tackle this problem because I believe many others can relate. We all procrastinate to some degree, but if we continue down this path, it holds us back and makes us feel overwhelmed. As business owners, we face unique challenges since there's no one to keep us in check. However, by understanding what triggers procrastination and taking proactive steps, we can beat it and free up time for what truly matters in our businesses.

The Vicious Cycle of Procrastination. When we feel discomfort, our natural instinct is to seek pleasure. So, when confronted with challenging tasks on our to-do lists, we often opt for easier, more enjoyable activities or distractions. This human tendency can lead to a cycle of procrastination, where we're constantly overwhelmed and struggle with crucial tasks that drive our businesses. This, in turn, results in financial losses and keeps us stuck in an endless loop.

The Challenges of Being a Business Owner. Unlike employees who have bosses to keep them accountable, business owners have the freedom to make their own choices. However, this lack of external accountability can also be a drawback. When we prioritise pleasure over productivity, we hinder our own success. It's crucial to recognise that procrastination can have detrimental effects on our businesses, causing overwhelm and impeding necessary changes.

Recognising the Warning Signs. One essential step in overcoming procrastination is identifying our triggers and key indicators. For instance, when I received a notification that my phone usage had spiked by 28% last week, it served as a wake-up call. It made me realise that I was avoiding important tasks. Often, we ignore these warning signs and continue procrastinating. However, by paying attention to these signals, we can break free from the cycle.

The Power of Accountability. Finding someone to hold us accountable is crucial in battling procrastination. Whether it's a business partner, a trusted friend, or a professional coach, having someone who won't let us off the hook can make a significant difference. As business owners, we don't have bosses to answer to, which is why external accountability is vital. At Ladies With Tradies, we recently hired an Operations Manager to ensure we stay on track and make informed decisions.

Effective Strategies to Beat Procrastination 

Here are three practical tips to help you overcome procrastination:

  1. Find an Accountability Partner. Seek someone who will keep you on track and motivate you to follow through on your commitments.
  2. Set a Timer. If you're procrastinating on a tough task, set a short timer, like 15 minutes, and commit to working on it during that time. Often, once you start, you'll naturally find the motivation to continue.
  3. Reward Yourself. Establish a small reward for completing the task at hand, like enjoying a cup of coffee or taking a personal break. This reward can serve as extra motivation to beat procrastination.

The Path to Success. Remember, there's a better way to run your business, one that doesn't involve feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a cycle of procrastination. By addressing procrastination head-on, using effective strategies, and seeking external accountability, you can create a more productive and fulfilling work-life balance. Consider exploring resources like Brian Tracy's book, "Eat That Frog," for valuable insights into prioritising and tackling challenging tasks.

As Trades Business Owners, we face unique challenges when dealing with procrastination. However, by recognising its negative impact and implementing practical strategies, we can overcome this obstacle.

Take the first step today and regain control of your time and productivity.

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