Dropped the ball? Here's how to stay on top

When things go wrong in business (which they inadvertently will at times), the way we respond to them ultimately dictates how successful or not your business will become.

What response do you have when you drop the ball?

Are you kind to yourself, or do you beat yourself up?

Do you learn from it, or do you blame everyone else around you?

There are some basic mindset principles for life, and in this blog, I want to tell you all about Ownership, Accountability and Responsibility.

When things go wrong in business (which they inadvertently will at times), the way we respond to them ultimately dictates how successful or not your business will become.

If we live in a victim mindset, we will spend all our time dwelling on shit that goes wrong. We blame every Tom, Dick and Harry for the situation and make life out as if it is happening TO US, rather than FOR US. When in blame, your business cannot grow. You need to turn the mirror back on yourself and choose to take responsibility for everything that happens.

Taking responsibility as a business leader has many forms. It is deciding when a staff member stuffs up that 'I could have taught them more, explained better, been there for them, or generally supported more' instead of getting upset with them for the mistake. It is then about providing feedback and saying to yourself, 'next time, I will do this differently in business to create a better outcome'.

Having ownership means owning EVERYTHING that happens in your business, whether you are at fault or not. Own the mistakes as your own. Own the lessons. Own the financial performance. Own the types of customers you are bringing in. All outcomes in business are a choice, and all of your business outcomes are entirely YOURS. So, own it all mate, because you are the only one who can.

Accountability as a business leader is all about accountability to self and others. Much like ownership - you must choose this part. You must choose to be accountable for ALL ELEMENTS of business. I hear too often 'yeah the accountant is across that'- this is NOT financial accountability - it is copping out. YOU MUST BEACCOUNTABLE for your business performance, stop trying to blame or shift responsibility to others. Talk to us if you have NFI about this stuff - we will teach you.

So, if you were to measure yourself out of 10 on how accountable you are, how responsible you are and how much ownership you are currently taking for your business, how would you score?

Flick us an email and let us know at heythere@ladieswithtradies.com

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