Let's avoid another 2020 ey?

Yes, we are in the chaos of the end of year rush - BUT - are you planning for success in 2021?
Yes, we are in the chaos of the end of year rush - BUT - are you planning for success in 2021?

Recently, we have been having discussions with our clients about what they are hoping to achieve with 2021. What to they want to start? What do they want to stop? What do they want to continue? What do they want to do more of or less of?


And this is for both PERSONAL & BUSINESS - because your business should serve your life - not the other way around.


Here are a few tips to get going:


  1. Do a rearview mirror check, think about the year that has been and ask:
  • What did we achieve that we are proud of in 2020?
  • What didn't we achieve that we wish we had in 2020?
  • What impact did it have NOT achieving those things in love, life and business?
  • What behaviours do I need to do MORE of to ensure I don't leave these things unfinished next year?


  1. Next, consider this question: What are the 3 top things that 'keep me up at night' about my business?
    This could be to do with cashflow, staff, time management, software and systems, marketing, customers - what are you feeling uncomfortable with?


  1. Then, with those 3 things - write yourself a statement that indicates what you want your NEW outcome for 2021 to be on that topic.
    For example, "I want to build a team that is loyal, fun, hardworking and for it to be filled with people who do what they say they are going to do." This will set powerful intentions for your business.
  2. Now, you need to write down the ACTION PLAN that will assist you in delivering on that statement. List out the dot points of what you need to do, how you need to act, what you need to implement, and who is going to implement these things to make it work. 


  1. WRITE it down & PIN it up.
    Put your 3 Goals & Action Plan somewhere you can see it. All of our clients who did planning at the start of 2020, even though it has been a complete and utter shit fight of a year, have overachieved on what they thought they could do, simply because they wrote it down, set their minds to it, shared their goals with their teams, and made it happen.

  1. Put some dollar figures and time figures against the GOALS:
    What would delivering on those 3 things mean to you in family time, money and also sanity? What would it be worth to you to nail those things? What would it mean not to be losing sleep anymore? Can you even put a price on better sleep due to a more successful business? We don't think so.

Finally, let's all have a cracker - let's also, share the wins with each other - you might like to share your successes for 2020 over on our 'Yeah the Ladies' facebook page. We would love to hear from you.

If you are ready to make 2021 a winner - hit us up - we would love to see you win, and support you to do it faster and easier than you think possible.

Love youse all

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